Have you ever wondered what the real reasons are for insomnia?
Have you ever wondered what your dog dreams about?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the opposite sex during an orgasm?
Have you ever wondered why Doritos taste so damn good?
Have you ever wondered why you like some people, and others just give you the Heebie Jeebies?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a threesome?
Have you ever wondered what I would be like Drunk? (Trust me, I"m a whole lot of fun!)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take acid? (I have, but never had the nerve to try it. Always too afraid of the consequences.)
Have you ever wondered what the real difference is between dog people and cat people?
Are there squirrel people too? What about rabbit people, and ferret people? (Me personally, I'm a people people.)
Have you ever wondered why the word people looks so weird. (It really is an odd looking word. Who the hell came up with this word? PEOPLE. I am totally freaked out by it's spelling right now.)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the world really was flat instead of round? Would we fall off the edge like people thought we would, our would it be like a revolving belt on a tread mill and we would just roll on over to the other side?
Have you ever wondered what makes the sky blue? (Well, I actually know what makes it blue, but I"m not going to explain it here in the frame of mind that I'm in.)
Are you wondering if I'm drunk right now? (I'm not, just waiting for some codeine to kick in.)
Ok, I'm done. But seriously, have you ever wondered? Perhaps I should take hydrocodon anymore.
Also, as an after thought, I thought this video would be a great addition to this post. Unfortunately, I couldn't embed it into this post, so you'll have to follow the link. You can thank me later, Bob.