The crew at the Wild Onion Cafe is throwing a Thanksgiving Pot Luck dinner for the staff, management, and customers.
just bob will be bringing Chicken Wings
to eat while watching football
Queen Goob is in charge of
bringing the Bud Light Party Ball

For those looking for something harder,
Inner Voices will bring the tequila
Megan is charge of making the toast
Kylie can bring along the exotic
Cecile is preparing the Green Bean Casserole
Leah is making the stuffing
Suzanne can bring the Tofurkey
Random Chick has been working on the
Turducken for over a week

... and finally
Gig will be making Pumpkin Pie for dessert.
To all of our customers and friends, don't be shy...
dig in and second helpings are definitely in order.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
it looks like an absolute feast....and great company.....
wonderful job you've done on this post, brilliant bob
have a wonderful time everybody
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Thanks Bob and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Bob, I've never eaten Tofurkey. Can I bring a dessert instead? How about Pumpkin Cheesecake. Yummmmmmmmmmmy!!!
And no, none of you will believe this, I'm actually making a turkey.
Love you all!
Ooh, cheesecake. Of course you can bring cheesecake Blottie. There's plenty of Turducken, we can do without the Tofurkey.
Cute trenchcoat!
Thanks baby! Pumpkin Cheesecake it is then my dear man. I was unable to make it today will get to it tomorrow of Saturday and then post the crap out of it!!! And yes, it will be the real deal. Straightens trenchcoat and gets back on bike. (Wow, that seat's a little cold on my tush at almost 9pm (don't wear much under this thing), so think I might need a faux sheep tush pad) Looks over shoulder and says to Bob, "You bet it's cute!" Winks at girl pals, Kylie and Leah! (Kylie, you every gonna get that boob deflated? Leah, you have a good knitting needle that just might do the trick? I was in the knitting department the other day and I swear to God there are too many options!!! But as I look more carefully at the photo every time I see it, I think, "Wow, those are some awesome shoulders. Wow!!! But then of course wonder what's swingin' in between!!!" (Kylie's dad, if you're reading this, it's a joke!!!) You're daughter is gorgeous and her shoulders are beautiful and what you and your wife created swinging in between I'm sure is equally beautiful. (Kylie, did I do good? Is he distracted?)
P.S. Leah, I could eat that whole dish of stuffing!!! Yummy! But I'd also need a salad.
Happy Thanksgiving, Cafe!
P.S. I am working on my first effort and it should be posted soon. After I think up two questions for bob, enter kylie's contest, etc. etc.
hey suze,
dad doesnt read the wild onion, not to my knowledge anyway. so you can say whatever you like about my shoulder boobs and whats swingin between.....
pumpkin cheesecake? thats an idea. are you gonna post a picture?
Suze--Tofurkey is absolutely delicious, you should try it! Hedgehog and I eat it all the time. I almost did one myself for Thanksgiving--as I hate handling raw turkey--
Two questions for Bob my ass. I'm going for the record: 100!!! I was disqualified because I failed to read the directions. *Rolls eyes in head.*
Can hardly wait for your first post!!!
That's right, forgot Dad doesn't read this trash! Nice shoulders baby! :)
Oh, you bet I'm showing photos of the cheesecake when I make it. And of course I'll give the recipe, or you can go directly to and get it, cuz that where I got it!!!
Love you darling.
hey suze,
yep, youre right, no trash for dad. in fact we have a running joke about how mum & dads tv only plays one channel, the ABC which is the national broadcaster. they should have got a discount because they only need one channel
no commercial rubbish for them, oh no.....
how on earth they manage to read my load of old bollock i'd never know.....
Great Feast Bob!!
Sorry to be so late commenting, but what a wonderful time at the Onion.
Great Company, great food, and drink...what a way to spend the Day of the Thanks!!
Gotta run, I will be back to help with the clean up...*chases after Blottie*
I hope you guys enjoyed the green bean casserole. It is my signiture dish, NOT!!! I do make killer green beans though. We had deep fried turkey, maple syrup basted ham, green beans, cranberry sauce (the gelled stuff from the can)my boys are crazy about that stuff, HB and I didn't touch it. And I made some home made bread, and garlic mashed potatoes, with mushroom gravey to put on top. Oh and I also made a pumpkin pie. (yes all home made well, except for the crust.) Right now I am making two cheese cakes. We are going to have a seafood cookout at my brother's house later this afternoon. Well, I hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and your weekend is Rockin' too.
P.S. Suzanne, CALL ME PLEASE!!!!!
Hi all! I'm still full!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
It looks great kids! Happy Thanksgiving. I'm definitely going to stay for the game and those wings. Tasty!
Best wishes,
Damn, it's you? You know me and phone numbers and you know me and voice mail (my mother actually had the audacity to say "Sue, it's not that hard.") Okay, I'm going to call in a minute or so, but just so you know I'm trying to feed the kitties and T-Bone, do my 50th freakin' load of laundry and maintain my sanity all at the same time. Oh, right, remember when I cleaned the whole house, swept, etc. with one hand while talking to you. Okay, guess it's doable again.
The rest of you, I'll be back. Love you all, but right now Cece needs me, so off I go. (What the hell's her number?!) This is a true and funny story. Rob's and Cece's area codes are very similar, so if I'm not wearing my glasses don't know who the hell I'm calling:
"Oh, sorry, was trying to call Rob."
"Do I sound like Rob?"
"Sorry honey, didn't have my glasses on."
Same with the Vet's office. Without my glasses, just guess! Today I redailed Rob and got the Vet's. Gretchen answered and said, "Sunset Animal Medical Center." I said "Hi Gretchen, it's Suzanne, is Rob there?" She couldn't stop laughing. She said "If you don't knock this off we're going to have to start charging you." I told her I'd do better. I dialed again. "Hello, Sunset Animal Medical Center, this is Gretchen, how can I help you?" "Hi Gretchen, prank call."
This is even better...HI CECE!!! Guess what? Can't find my cell phone!!!
And yes, this is my life in a nutshell.
Called Cece last night after finding my cell phone and had a great chat (my sister taught me to locate it by calling on my land phone!). The woman's hilarious and doesn't even try. I'll tell you about our conversation when I have more time because I know she won't mind.
I'm off to the park, but had to look at my bank account on-line before leaving. I always feel depressed afterward, so stop by for a laugh. You guys always cheer me up.
I called Rob early this morning to ask him to please call the Mercedes shop for a referral for a friend (who doesn't own a Mercedes). Our conversation went like this:
"Suzanne, it's Sunday."
"Really? You sure?"
"Yes I'm sure."
"Hummmmmmmmm. You sure?"
How rude!
Happy Sunday everyone!!!
Love Blottie XO
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